Rural Advisor have successfully secured planning permission for an attractive oak frame annex, adjacent to the picturesque Garway Hill. The annex has ...
Capital Grants (England only)
The Capital Grants programme in England is still open with no deadline yet imposed. Up to £20,000 grant funding available for capital work projects t...
Nutrient Management Investment Scheme
Remember to give us a call on 01497 585803 if your attending the Royal Welsh Show and a member of the team can meet you and provide refreshments 🤝...
Royal Welsh Show 1 week to go…
Royal Welsh Show 1 week to go… We are all looking forward to attending the show and meeting people face to face again two of our team members wi...
Industry takes stock of draft Sustainable Farming Scheme (Wales)
This week saw the publication of the first draft of the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) which will begin to replace the Basic Payment Scheme in Wales...
Planning Surgery – 30mins free advice
Have you got ideas for a new shed or an extension to your house and not sure what permissions are required? Has the planning department contacted you ...
Sustainable Farming Incentive (England Only)
🌟 Sustainable Farming Incentive (England Only) 🌟 #ruraladvisor #sustainablefarming...
A number of Grant schemes are currently available or opening soon in Wales…
A number of Grant schemes are currently available or opening soon in Wales… Rhodri Jones is available to discuss in more details #ruraladvisor...
Farming Investment Fund (England Only)
🌟 Farming Investment Fund currently open in England… closes midnight 21st July, speak to Ellie Watkins for more information 🌟 #ruraladviso...